Answering the common questions.


  • Whether you have personal, family, or business goals, a financial advisor can provide the guidance you need to reach them. At St. George Wealth Management, we're dedicated to helping you build and sustain wealth, regardless of your starting point.

  • No, there is no minimum account size required to start working with us. We welcome the opportunity to grow with you from the ground up.

  • Nick operates free from quotas and corporate influences, ensuring that your interests always come first. He is committed to providing continuity for decades and offers multi-generational planning. Nick prides himself on offering flexible and transparent compensation models, a clear and consistent approach to investment management, and a genuine passion for his work.

  • Nick has a warm and engaging personality and prefers to work with individuals who are good-natured and sincere in their financial dealings.

  • It’s excellent that you’ve taken steps towards your financial goals. If you already have an advisor you trust, that's wonderful. However, if you're open to exploring new perspectives, we’d be delighted to meet with you.

  • No, you don’t need to live locally to benefit from our services. Advances in technology, like Docusign and Zoom, allow us to effectively manage your needs from anywhere with internet access.

Find a time that works best for you.

Contact Us

Don't hesitate to contact us and schedule a meeting at your convenience. Whether it's for a quick hello or to review your portfolio, we provide complimentary consultations on all financial services and strategies. If that’s too personal, feel free to email us below.